Home Screen with Navigation Bar

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Home Screen with Navigation Bar

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After logging in successfully the the navigator, top navigation bar, and the home screen will be displayed.



These are explained in below sections.


The navigator in the left sidebar provides access to your workspace, where you can create, edit, and remove objects. The main tree nodes can be expanded. By clicking the name or symbol you can open the menu tree and access the functions inside. The range of available functions depends on the rights assigned to your user role.  

If you own full administration permissions (which means that you have unrestricted access to all functions) the navigator displays all the elements (Sample navigator options shown below):



Top Navigation bar

The top navigation bar provides access to:


1. button_explorer


2. button_search

Detailed search

3. home_5_10_18

Home screen

4. button_logout


5. button_search_5_10_18

General search

6. button_chat_5_10_18





1. Navigate : Toggle button to hide/show navigator (as shown below)




2. Detailed Search:

The detailed search in the left sidebar gives you numerous possibilities to search for content in the system:


General search

Advanced search for values in fields


Search for media based on their properties

Geographical search

Modified Date

Search for the ID of objects

Search for recipients of objects

Saved search parameters


3. Home Screen:

The Home page will be shown after the log on. According to the system configuration It provides different kind of information. The information boxes will display the recent edited objects of the user, details of the server storage space, and statistics about upload/download of files.



4. Log-out: Log out to prevent unauthorized access to your site after completing work.


5. General Search: Easy-to-use search feature that lets you search for files. In the Search text field type part or all of the file name you want to find. The search results will be shown below. Example is shown in below screen shot.


6. Chat:

The chat enables the user to communicate with other online users. Besides the text based communication, also objects can be added/sent via the chat by using the context menu.