Analytics & Reporting

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Analytics & Reporting

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Analytics and Reporting functionality empowers users with the tools they need to make data-driven decisions and help measure the value of content stored in a DAM.

1. Dynamic User Dashboard

All users have a personalized dashboard as their home screen with useful information, like their recent tasks, favorites, edited objects, up- and downloads. Upon log in, you will immediately know what the latest assets are so you can work fast.


2. Usage Reports

See vital analytics about the usage of your digital assets. View reports about up- and downloads by time.

3. Sender and Recipient Report

Track who, what and when with respect to your digital assets. After you send e-mails providing links to assets to other persons, you will always know if and when your assets have been downloaded.

4. Metadata Report

In addition to the metadata defined and used in your organization, there are often a number of additional metadata that have been stored in a file. This additional information can be viewed at any time using the system.


5. Queue of Publications

View the list of all objects which are to be published, unpublished or deleted on a specific date and time.


5. Export Metadata as CSV

View the metadata of file in CSV format after selecting the assets.